Eurabian News

Sobre la transformación de Europa en Eurabia y la Tercera Yijad

Archive for 2 de marzo de 2006

Orientalismo e islamofobia

Posted by Spanish Eowyn en 2/marzo/2006

Interesante disertación sobre estos temas de The Religious Policeman. Recomiendo que la leais: a propósito del sentido de esas dos palabras para conmemorar la destrucción de las estatuas gigantes de Buda por los talibanes en Afganistán.

¡Qué hubieran hecho los musulmanes si esas estatuas hubieran sido musulmanas…!

Posted in Afganistán, Reflexiones, Violencia religiosa | 2 Comments »

1091 muertes por honor en Turquía en los pasados 5 años

Posted by Spanish Eowyn en 2/marzo/2006

1091 honor killings were committed in Turkey in the past 5 years, said Turkish Parliamentary Investigation Commission which was set up to probe honor killings.
The commission will submit a report on honor killings soon. The report includes the reasons of violence against women and proposals to prevent such violence.
The report says women are maltreated generally by their husbands, fathers or brothers. The common peculiarity of men who resort to violence is that they are young and have low income.
According to the estimates of the UN Population Fund, more than 5,000 women were victims of honor killing in the world each year. Bangladesh, Brazil, Equator, Egypt, India, Israel, Italy, Jordan, Morocco, Pakistan, Sweden, Turkey, Uganda and Britain are among the countries where such murders are seen.

Posted in Mujer | 3 Comments »

Otra caricatura en Malasia y más castigos en Egipto

Posted by Spanish Eowyn en 2/marzo/2006

Cuando el periódico The New Straits Times publicó esta caricatura, no podía saber que, a causa de ella, se encontraría en un gran problema. La caricatura en cuestión no tiene a Mahoma, ni a Alá, ni a ningún otro personaje importante del Corán o de la tradición musulmana:

Como veis, lo que representa es a un dibujante callejero con un cartel al lado que dice: «Caricaturas de Mahoma mientras esperas» y con una leyenda que dice: «Kevin por fin consigue el objetivo de ser el hombre más temido del mundo«.
Así que se han tenido que disculpar:

«Neither did the NST deliberately publish what it deemed an inoffensive cartoon. The NST never intended to hurt any feelings. At least one religious scholar has told the NST that the cartoon was not offensive but could, if different people wished, be interpreted differently. But we stand corrected. We should have been more sensitive – human error or not. So again, we apologise. And again, we will willingly accept any action deemed fit by the Government.»

Fijaos en la frase: «Al menos un experto religioso nos ha dicho que la caricatura no era ofensiva pero, puede, si las personas QUIEREN, ser interpretado de manera diferente». De modo que en lugar de investigar si efectivamente son o no injuriosas para la religión musulmana se deja al arbitrio arbitrario de cada uno. Y digo arbitrario porque el verbo que emplea es QUIEREN, o sea, según le venga en gana al interlocutor…
HT: A Western Heart. Comentario interesante en: Dog-Pundit.

Y de Malasia nos vamos a Egipto. Allí la Hermandad Musulmana quiere que se condene a otro periódico que publicó las caricaturas, pero cuando se dieron cuenta de lo que habían hecho, la tirada fue directamente a la papelera:

Muslim Brotherhood or Ikhwan members of Parliament are asking for the punishment of another Egyptian daily newspaper that re-printed the cartoons. However, immediately before the 40,000 copies could find their way to the local market with Prophet Muhammed cartoons, they were withdrawn and gone in waste.
The state-owned paper Al Akhbar tried to reprint the cartoons a week ago.
The Muslim Brotherhood spokesperson Hamdy Hassan on February 14 during the People’s Assembly morning session, asked for punishing the paper. The paper’s editor-in-chief and board said they were not aware of the re-printing of the cartoons, however once they were informed the paper was withdrawn from the markets.
The reason why the member is asking for punishment is what he believes that the paper is intentionally is in defiance to the feelings of the Muslims by insisting on publishing the insulting cartoons, so it is not only the Danish paper. The second reason, he mentioned is tha printing 40,000 copies then executing them is a waste of the public money. The conclusion of the session was that the Higher Council of the Press in Egypt will conduct an investigation into the issuance of the 40, 000 copies with the insulting cartoons.

HT: Freedom for Egyptians.

Posted in Egipto, Medios de comunicación, Violencia religiosa | 2 Comments »

Zerolo ofende a los católicos pero pide la censura cuando se trata de musulmanes

Posted by Spanish Eowyn en 2/marzo/2006

Interesante la postura de este hombre que ha hecho de su homosexualidad personal el mejor estandarte para medrar en la política:

El Secretario de Movimientos Sociales y Relaciones con las ONG del PSOE, Pedro Zerolo, ha exigido al Gobierno de Ceuta y al PP «una respuesta contundente», ante la manifestación clara de «racismo y xenofobia» que supone la letra de la chirigota ganadora de concurso oficial de agrupaciones carnavalescas ceutíes, después de que los dos partidos musulmanes con representación en la Asamblea de Ceuta exigieran disculpas a dicha chirigota.
Zerolo, muy indignado, denunció que las expresiones utilizadas en la chirigota, «son inaceptables, ya que superan los límites del humor y del buen gusto y atentan gravemente contra la convivencia» y exigió al PP que «tome medidas para evitar que hechos tan lamentables como estos vuelvan a repetirse en los lugares en los que gobierna». «No responder de forma contundente a este tipo de manifestaciones- dijo Zerolo- sería una grave irresponsabilidad, cuando no una demostración de connivencia con las mismas». Por eso, Zerolo insta a establecer la censura previa, eso sí, sólo para los que critican la violencia de los musulmanes. «Esperamos que el Gobierno ceutí del PP, responsable del concurso de chirigotas, responda con contundencia».
El responsable socialista recordó que «desde el PSOE llevamos meses avisando que algunos discursos políticos podían provocar un ambiente que incentivara manifestaciones de racismo o de xenofobia y, lamentablemente, el tiempo nos ha dado la razón». «El Ejecutivo ceutí y el PP no pueden quedarse de brazos cruzados ante un asunto que lo único que ha hecho es generar crispación y mucha tensión entre a ciudadanía», concluyó. Zerolo encabezà la manifestación del Orgullo Gay de este ao acompañado de una amplia representación del Partido Socialista y del Gobierno. En ella, se podÃían leer pancartas tan edificantes como «Aquilino metete un pepino», en relación a Aquilino Polaino. Con el aplauso de Zerolo y el PSOE, la marcha transcurrió entre insultos, mofas contra la Iglesia y atentados contra los sentimientos religiosos de los católicos y contra todo aquél que discrepara del matrimonio homosexual.

Por supuesto, no ha criticado la situación de los homosexuales en el Islam, porque claro esos sí pueden hacerle pupita si se hiciera con ellos algo parecido a esto:

Foto 1: Un hombre vestido como el Papa porta un crucifijo en el que está colgada una muñeca Barbie. ¿Tendremos que recordar que para los cristianos -no sólos los católicos- Jesús es Hijo de Dios y, por tanto, más importante que Mahoma para los musulmanes que sigue siendo un profeta, ser humano normal…?
Foto 2: Cuatro individuos disfrazados de cofrades de semana santa llevan en andas a una mujer disfrazada de virgen María.
Para ver más fotos, aquí.
Zerolo, eres otro muerto de miedo.

UPDATE/ACTUALIZACIÓN: También lo han tratado: Cambiemos el mundo, Cómo ser de derechas y no morir en el intento, Es la libertad de expresión, idiotas, República Bananera, Spaceland.

Posted in España, Noticias sorprendentes | 1 Comment »

Debemos temer el silencio de Holanda

Posted by Spanish Eowyn en 2/marzo/2006

Extracto de un interesantísimo artículo sobre la crítica al Islam en Europa:

Holland — with its disproportionately high Muslim population — is the canary in the mine. Its once open society is closing, and Europe is closing slowly behind it. It looks, from Holland, like the twilight of liberalism — not the “liberalism” that is actually libertarianism, but the liberalism that is freedom. Not least freedom of expression.
All across Europe, debate on Islam is being stopped. Italy’s greatest living writer, Oriana Fallaci, soon comes up for trial in her home country, and in Britain the government seems intent on pushing through laws that would make truths about Islam and the conduct of its followers impossible to voice.
Those of us who write and talk on Islam thus get caught between those on our own side who are increasingly keen to prosecute and increasing numbers of militants threatening murder. In this situation, not only is free speech being shut down, but our nation’s security is being compromised.
Since the assassinations of Fortuyn and, in 2004, the film maker Theo van Gogh, numerous public figures in Holland have received death threats and routine intimidation. The heroic Somali-born Dutch MP Ayaan Hirsi Ali and her equally outspoken colleague Geert Wilders live under constant police protection, often forced to sleep on army bases. Even university professors are under protection.
Europe is shuffling into darkness. It is proving incapable of standing up to its enemies, and in an effort to accommodate the peripheral rights of a minority is failing to protect the most basic rights of its own people.
The governments of Europe have been tricked into believing that criticism of a belief is the same thing as criticism of a race. And so it is becoming increasingly difficult and dangerous to criticise a growing and powerful ideology within our midst. It may soon, in addition, be made illegal.

HT: I Spy with my London eye.

También en IBA por Mark Alexander.

Posted in Multiculturalismo, Reflexiones, Violencia religiosa | 2 Comments »

El maltrato a los niños en el mundo musulmán

Posted by Spanish Eowyn en 2/marzo/2006

A través de Free Thoughts, encuentro un post en Freedom for Egyptians (blog de una joven musulmana egipcia que ha puesto su foto en Internet) muy interesante:

According to the famous Danish newspaper JyllandsPosten, the spokesman of the extremist Imams in Denmark, Mr. Ahmed Akkari, violently attacked a 10 to 11 years old pupil while training to become a teacher at Lykkeskolen in Århus. The episode, that took place some years ago, was reported to the police by the school, and Mr. Akkari sacked immediately and forbidden future access to the premises of the school.
Mr. Akkari attacked the boy, during a run and catch game, when the boy touched the headscarf of a girl so that her hair got exposed. Mr. Akkari knocked the boy to the ground and several times hit him in the chest with his fists, completely loosing his self control.

Akkari fue el que presentó las falsas caricaturas a la prensa. Y añade:

I think this guy should have deported to where he came from. He is a childhood abuser.

Toda la razón… Pero sigamos:

This story brings to the memory another disgusting story from Saudi Arabia when religious police stopped schoolgirls from leaving a blazing building because they were not wearing correct Islamic dress.
One witness said he saw three policemen «beating young girls to prevent them from leaving the school because they were not wearing the abaya». The father of one of the dead girls said that the school watchman even refused to open the gates to let the girls out.

Si veis el blog The Religious Policeman, esta es la razón por la que comenzó a escribir su blog. Y termina con una reflexión importante:

Youth under the age of 24 now make up 50-65 percent of the population of the Middle East. Sheikhs and Imams keep oppressing young girls and boys under the pretext of religion.
It is very difficult for totalitarian regimes to take responsibility that’s why they hire Sheikhs and Imams to brainwash the youth to make them believe that all their life problems are due to divine reasons. Religion becomes the sole responsible for all life problems that the fragile undemocratic governments do not want to take responsibility for.

Post relacionados: Encadenados dos niños por no saberse el Corán.

Posted in Uncategorized | 1 Comment »

Tajikistán va a demoler la única sinagoga de su territorio

Posted by Spanish Eowyn en 2/marzo/2006

Si hace poco decíamos que Nigeria iba a demoler iglesias, porque no eran gratas a la vista de sus musulmanes dirigentes, ahora nos enteramos gracias a Free Thoughts que van a demoler en Tajikistán la única sinagoga que hay en el país:

Despite pleas from the Jewish community and international organizations, the Tajikistan government has started to destroy the country’s only synagogue.
The mikve and several of the classrooms have already been torn down, with all the structures due to be demolished by June to make way for a new presidential palace.
The World Jewish Congress this week sent a letter to UNESCO in a last-ditch effort to stop the synagogue’s destruction. It wrote that the action «will effectively put an end to Jewish life in Tajikistan and will strike a severe blow at the cause of Muslim-Jewish mutual respect and coexistence.»
UNESCO had written the Tajikistan authorities to halt the construction project when the WJC first contacted the organization in June 2004, labelling the synagogue’s destruction «in contradiction with existing international standards for the protection of cultural heritage.»
Gadi Mgomezulu, director of UNESCO’s cultural heritage division, told The Jerusalem Post Tuesday that that message would be repeated in a second appeal to the Tajikistan authorities in the near future.
Mgomezulu said the UN agency would be «following up with them very closely on the issue,» though he noted that his office had never received a reply from the Tajikistan government.
The synagogue, located in the capital of Dushanbe, is more than 100 years old and serves a couple of hundred Jews, more than half of the country’s Jewish population. The city has offered alternate sites at the edges of the city but won’t provide compensation for the buildings.
«The Jewish community in Dushanbe is very small and very old. [They are] very, very poor and therefore they don’t have any ability to invest money and build a new synagogue,» according to a Jewish Agency official who serves the community.
In addition to being a house of prayer and serving other Jewish ritual and study purposes, he said the complex was «the center of the community,» a place for members to meet and spend time.
«They feel that they won’t have any way to live a Jewish life,» he added.

Los del diálogo y el respeto entre civilizaciones, hagan el favor de decirnos si esto contribuye realmente al «respeto» entre civilizaciones…
Información sobre Tajikistán.

Posted in Religión y religiones, Violencia religiosa | Comentarios desactivados en Tajikistán va a demoler la única sinagoga de su territorio

Chiste del día

Posted by Spanish Eowyn en 2/marzo/2006

Mahoma, líder del mundo libre.

HT. Elder of Ziyon.

Posted in Blogosfera | 2 Comments »

Demandan a un banco francés «Crédit Lyonnais» por su presunta ayuda al terrorismo

Posted by Spanish Eowyn en 2/marzo/2006

American victims of 13 terror attacks that took place in Israel have filed suit against a French bank that was used to funnel money to Hamas.
The suit alleges that over the course of three years during a period of mounting suicide bombings in Israel, the French bank, Credit Lyonnais, failed to quickly cut ties with a fundraising organization of Hamas.
The lawsuit was filed last week in U.S. District Court in Brooklyn, where a judge is scheduled to hear arguments next week in a similar case against a British bank filed by the same lawyer.
(…) Credit Lyonnais claims to have closed down the accounts in September 2003, three years after it first noticed «unusual activity» in the account in question, according to a press release by Credit Agricole, which has since acquired Credit Lyonnais.

HT: E-nough.

Posted in Francia | Comentarios desactivados en Demandan a un banco francés «Crédit Lyonnais» por su presunta ayuda al terrorismo

Una caricatura de Mahoma aparece en Manchester pintada en la pared de una oficina pública

Posted by Spanish Eowyn en 2/marzo/2006

Se me olvidó postear esta historia así que lo hago ahora:

Extremists have been blamed after a cartoon featuring the prophet Mohammed with a bomb in his turban was put up in a housing office in Oldham.
The cartoon, which has sparked protests from Muslims worldwide since it was published in a Danish newspaper last year, appeared at First Choice Homes.
Managers acted quickly to remove it and have begun an inquiry.
Oldham was hit by race riots in 2001 when youths from the mainly Muslim Asian community fought white youths.
A number of measures have since been carried out in an effort to improve race relations in the town.

Lee el resto de esta entrada »

Posted in Uncategorized, Violencia religiosa | Comentarios desactivados en Una caricatura de Mahoma aparece en Manchester pintada en la pared de una oficina pública

Imram Khan: «para nosotros, las caricaturas son peores que el Holocausto para los judíos»

Posted by Spanish Eowyn en 2/marzo/2006

Hmm, ya expliqué en este post quién es este individuo.
Y esta frase la dijo en el programa de radio inglés Five Live Drive. Podeis oírle aquí.

“I don’t think the message has got through that for us it’s far more painful than perhaps even the Holocaust for the Jews. Any caricature or any ridicule or any humiliation of the holy prophet is far more painful for the Muslims.”

Hmmm, la muerte de 6 millones de personas es mucho menos dolorosa que 12 caricaturas de UN SER HUMANO. Hmmm, claro, claro…
HT: Drinking from Home, que denuncia la evidente manipulación por parte de la BBC (dueña de la radio en cuestión) que prácticamente ha escondido la noticia.

Posted in Gran Bretaña, Noticias sorprendentes | Comentarios desactivados en Imram Khan: «para nosotros, las caricaturas son peores que el Holocausto para los judíos»