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Otra caricatura en Malasia y más castigos en Egipto

Posted by Spanish Eowyn en 2/marzo/2006

Cuando el periódico The New Straits Times publicó esta caricatura, no podía saber que, a causa de ella, se encontraría en un gran problema. La caricatura en cuestión no tiene a Mahoma, ni a Alá, ni a ningún otro personaje importante del Corán o de la tradición musulmana:

Como veis, lo que representa es a un dibujante callejero con un cartel al lado que dice: «Caricaturas de Mahoma mientras esperas» y con una leyenda que dice: «Kevin por fin consigue el objetivo de ser el hombre más temido del mundo«.
Así que se han tenido que disculpar:

«Neither did the NST deliberately publish what it deemed an inoffensive cartoon. The NST never intended to hurt any feelings. At least one religious scholar has told the NST that the cartoon was not offensive but could, if different people wished, be interpreted differently. But we stand corrected. We should have been more sensitive – human error or not. So again, we apologise. And again, we will willingly accept any action deemed fit by the Government.»

Fijaos en la frase: «Al menos un experto religioso nos ha dicho que la caricatura no era ofensiva pero, puede, si las personas QUIEREN, ser interpretado de manera diferente». De modo que en lugar de investigar si efectivamente son o no injuriosas para la religión musulmana se deja al arbitrio arbitrario de cada uno. Y digo arbitrario porque el verbo que emplea es QUIEREN, o sea, según le venga en gana al interlocutor…
HT: A Western Heart. Comentario interesante en: Dog-Pundit.

Y de Malasia nos vamos a Egipto. Allí la Hermandad Musulmana quiere que se condene a otro periódico que publicó las caricaturas, pero cuando se dieron cuenta de lo que habían hecho, la tirada fue directamente a la papelera:

Muslim Brotherhood or Ikhwan members of Parliament are asking for the punishment of another Egyptian daily newspaper that re-printed the cartoons. However, immediately before the 40,000 copies could find their way to the local market with Prophet Muhammed cartoons, they were withdrawn and gone in waste.
The state-owned paper Al Akhbar tried to reprint the cartoons a week ago.
The Muslim Brotherhood spokesperson Hamdy Hassan on February 14 during the People’s Assembly morning session, asked for punishing the paper. The paper’s editor-in-chief and board said they were not aware of the re-printing of the cartoons, however once they were informed the paper was withdrawn from the markets.
The reason why the member is asking for punishment is what he believes that the paper is intentionally is in defiance to the feelings of the Muslims by insisting on publishing the insulting cartoons, so it is not only the Danish paper. The second reason, he mentioned is tha printing 40,000 copies then executing them is a waste of the public money. The conclusion of the session was that the Higher Council of the Press in Egypt will conduct an investigation into the issuance of the 40, 000 copies with the insulting cartoons.

HT: Freedom for Egyptians.

2 respuestas to “Otra caricatura en Malasia y más castigos en Egipto”

  1. La viñeta es kojonuda. A la mierda todos!!!

  2. Je, je, je… Desgraciadamente parece que las muertes de seres humanos son menos ofensivas que las caricaturas… sean cuáles sean estas.

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