Eurabian News

Sobre la transformación de Europa en Eurabia y la Tercera Yijad

Turquía primero exige a Dinamarca que se disculpe y luego retira la exigencia

Posted by Spanish Eowyn en 25/febrero/2006

¿La razón? Hmm, la entrada en la UE:

Turkey demands official Danish apology for the Muhammed cartoons. Jens Rohde, the political spokesman for the ruling Liberal Party thinks the demand hurts Turkey’s chances of EU membership.

The Danish government must distance itself from the Muhammed cartoons published in Jyllands-Posten and make an apology. Otherwise, no bridge-building with the Islamic world is possible, says the official spokesman of the Turkish Foreign Ministry followingthe European Unions’ request for Turkey to act as a mediator.

«The Danish government ought quickly to announce that Denmark does not accept denigration of the Prophet Muhammed such as the cartoons in Jyllands-Posten gives voice to. Denmark should apologize for what’s happened and make it clear that the Danish government wants nothing to do with the cartoons.» So says Namik Tan, official spokesman of Abdullah Gül, foreign minister of Turkey.

He underlines that in the opinion of the Turkish government the cartoons have nothing to do with Freedom of Speech.

«This issue is not about Freedom of Speech. This is no different than if these cartoons had anti-semitic content. If Denmark persists in insisting that this is about Freedom of Speech, it will be very difficult to proceed,» Tan is quoted as saying.

Long way to the EU

The spokesman of the Liberal ruling party, Jens Rohde, condemns the statement, saying that this will only make it more difficult for Turkey to act as a mediator and it will not be helpful if they want to be accepted into the EU.

También lo ha recogido The Brussels Journal.

Eso sí, después se «arrepintieron» y retiraron esta exigencia.

Rasmussen volvió a defender a su país en esta crisis (la peor desde la IIGM para su país:

«In Denmark, the freedom of speech and the freedom of the press are not up for negotiation,» he said during his weekly media briefing.

Mientras varios historiadores de arte señalaron que las pinturas de Mahoma no eran ni nuevas ni raras, si no que había muchas a lo largo de la historia del arte.

(Via Gateway Pundit)


Agora recapitula sobre la cuestión y añade lo siguiente:

Later in the day, Abdullah Gül, FM of Turkey says this to a DR reporter:

He could say that: «Definitely there is a freedom press in my country. But at the same time we are not happy with these cartoons. We are not happy to see that these cartoons are insulting to others. So the freedom of press doesn’t mean that insulting to others’ identity or religion

So this man is supposed to mediate for us? That might be fine if he was the pope and anti-Danish statements weren’t leaking from his Ministry like spunk from a freshly fucked goat (no relation, I’m sure).

On with the story, the Ambassador to Denmark of Turkey on Deadline, a Danish news program, says of the Turkish position on a Danish apology:

The Turkish government does not wish to revisit this aspect of the question. And we think that we should be looking into the future, we should be trying to find ways and means to defuse the crisis and should exert all our efforts in that direction.

[…]We think that we… I think that my answer is clear. We think we should just look at the ways to defuse this crisis right now and move on in that direction. I think it is quite obvious.

Pressed by the host, the Ambassador says this:

No, I am saying that we have never made such a request. We did not make a request.

No you didn’t, the government would have known about such a request immediately. But a ‘high-ranking official’ of yours – in fact as high ranking as they get below the level of ministers – leaked that you think Denmark should apologize. And when you were confronted with this, you didn’t deny it. You did the weasel-dance. Evaded responsibility. Watching that ambassador evade the question may be the most lying show I have seen since the Clinton tapes.

También en: The Anti-Idiotarian Rottweiler.

Una respuesta to “Turquía primero exige a Dinamarca que se disculpe y luego retira la exigencia”

  1. AMDG said

    De uno de los enlaces:

    > An article from the Turkish newspaper Hurriyet says there was NEVER any demand for apology.

    Encima se arrepienten. Cobardes y dos veces miserables. Como todos los muslimes cuando se les lee la cartilla.

    Con Europa y EE. UU. unidos la amenaza musulmana acabaría en nada y lo que sería mejor, los países musulmanes se modernizarían rápidamente. Y sin emabrgo…

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